macOS: od -t d8 gives wrong listing

macOS's od command fails to display 64-bit signed integers correctly. Compare the outputs from the native od command and from the GNU od command below. The command shows no error messages. The man page of the native od indicates that it supports -t d8 .

The binary file is a list of 64-bit integers, increasing from 0 by 1: 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . and the od -x correctly shows that (not shown here).

What am I missing? It's hard to believe that such a basic command includes such an obvious bug, if it really is a bug, that is.

macOS 13.3.1, mac mini (2023).

Here is the comparison. The native od seems to interpret the sequence of bytes as if it were 8-bit int, ignore, ignore, ignore, 8-bit int, ignore, ignore, ignore, . . . (Note that the disk image is little endian.) (I've shortened some of the lines as there were too many blanks per line.)

~/tmp $ /usr/bin/od -t d8 tmp.bin | head -70 | tail -10
0001700                     120                              121
0001720                     122                              123
0001740                     124                              125
0001760                     126                              127
0002000                     -128                              -127
0002020                     -126                              -125
0002040                     -124                              -123
0002060                     -122                              -121
0002100                     -120                              -119
0002120                     -118                              -117
~/tmp $ god -t d8 tmp.bin | head -70 | tail -10
0001700                  120                  121
0001720                  122                  123
0001740                  124                  125
0001760                  126                  127
0002000                  128                  129
0002020                  130                  131
0002040                  132                  133
0002060                  134                  135
0002100                  136                  137
0002120                  138                  139


What am I missing?

This is probably just a bug and I encourage you to file it as such. Please post your bug number, just for the record.

It's hard to believe that such a basic command includes such an obvious bug

macOS’s od is old enough that 64-bit numbers are very much a new-fangled innovation (-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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