Request Notification Service Entitlement to filter remote notifications IOS

I have a sample app to test push notifications. The app has a Notification Service Extension to intercept remote notifications, update/enhance the content and then display it to user.

But there are some scenarios where the app shouldn't end up displaying a notification to user... Like, due to slow internet, the time taken to download media content (like images) exceeds the 30 sec time limit. There are more app specific scenarios. Basically, every push received from APNS need not be shown to user. Notification Service Extension did not have this power to suppress remote notifications. In the end, it will always display a notification to user.

From iOS 13.3 onwards, Notification Service Extension has the ability to filter out these remote notifications. The first step is (quoting form the documentation),

This entitlement allows a notification service extension to receive remote notifications without displaying the notification to the user. To apply for this entitlement, see Request Notification Service Entitlement.

When I click on the hyperlink (you need to be an account holder to view that page), Apple asks for some info like 'App Store URL', 'When extension runs, what system and network resources does it need?' and so on. I only have a sample app to help understand the aspects of notifications. I don't have any full-fledged app in AppStore... yet... and I have no clue what all my full-fledged app will be doing in the extension (since I'm just in learning stage). I only have a sample app, where I log and perform some basic string operations when my extension is invoked. Due to this, I'm unable to see the extension filtering out notifications.

How does anyone test this feature? Has anyone tried it? Really appreciate any guidance. I'm not sure how to proceed..