Deactivate crown action for WatchKit watch app

I know there is no way to decrease the crown rotation' sensitivity using WatchKit (only through SwiftUI). But is there a way to deactivate it completely while using the app? The issue is that users keep touching it by mistake, making the screen scroll too far.

Answered by lavinia-tigaeru in 788626022

For anyone stumbling around here, in my particular case, I had a WKInterfacePicker that could be controlled through screen touch or crown rotation. To ignore the latter, I used an inherited method:

override func pickerDidFocus(_ picker: WKInterfacePicker) {

There is not

Accepted Answer

For anyone stumbling around here, in my particular case, I had a WKInterfacePicker that could be controlled through screen touch or crown rotation. To ignore the latter, I used an inherited method:

override func pickerDidFocus(_ picker: WKInterfacePicker) {
Deactivate crown action for WatchKit watch app