iOS 16.4.1 CLLocationManager didExitRegion URLSession timeout/failure


I have a few users reporting issues with Geofencing using CLLocationManager to trigger network calls using URLSession. Our app exposes logs Geofencing logs and does log didExitRegion/didEnterRegion along with the database request to get the url parameters. However the network request fail more than half of the time with "NSURLErrorDaomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out" .... The app logs the failure so it is still running in the background.

This was working before upgrade to 16.4.1, it now appears iOS is blocking network requests in the background. I spoke to another user who uses another geofencing application who also started missing some geofences since upgrading to 16.4.1. The other app has not been updated in 8 months and was working fine until the 16.4.1 update.

Is there anything I can to to ensure the network request are completed?


iOS 16.4.1 CLLocationManager didExitRegion URLSession timeout/failure