UIMenuController shown flipped

when i try to display UIMenuController in my project, it shown flipped as shown in attached image, how to resolve this problem?

this problem occurred also when displaying UIActivityViewController

This seems like a bug—could you please file a feedback report and attach this as a sample project?

(I originally posted this comment, before realizing that the actual text is also mirrored incorrectly):

This is in fact expected behavior! In languages like Arabic, which are written from right-to-left, the entire user interface is also flipped which feels more natural in those languages. You can learn more about this here: https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/foundations/right-to-left/

ok, i understood that the interface is flipped in RTL languages, but this is accepted for layout, not for labels and textview contents, text itself is flipped, text is not readable now. so, how i can resolve this problem?

Any update on this?

UIMenuController shown flipped