Universal Clipboard broken - MacOS beta 13.4

Starting today, I can't copy from nor paste to my Mac on beta 13.4 (22F5027f). Restarting, cycling Bluetooth or Wifi have not had any success with getting it to work again. Also posted that my Watch isn't unlocking the Mac so wondering what the heck is going on here. It's been working the entire time I've been on 13.4 up until today. I've tested all my other MacOS and iOS devices and all are copy and pasting to each other just fine. Any thoughts on a fix, especially if no one else is having this issue?

Thanks to same post on Reddit, I was able to fix.

You can try this on your Mac in the Terminal.app: defaults read com.apple.coreservices.useractivityd look for ClipboardSharingEnabled property in the output of the above command and if set to 0 do: defaults write com.apple.coreservices.useractivityd ClipboardSharingEnabled 1

I did not have ClipboardSharingEnabled as a property showing but the write got it working after a restart.

Universal Clipboard broken - MacOS beta 13.4