Setting a field that is populated by a stepper to have a trailing 0

I my app I have four steppers and each has a related field. I have the stepValue of each stepper set to 0.1. The associated fields are editable, and I have them set to have a trailing 0 when editing ends.

Everything works fine. The stepper increments at 0.1 and populates the field. When the field edited ends it has a trailing 0. The problem is that the stepper does not have a trailing zero on the whole number.

So, with the stepper, I get 0.8, 0.9, and then 1 with no training 0, hen 1.1.

How can I make sure I have a trailing 0 with the whole numbers?

@IBAction func editing_Ended_Flds(_ sender: UITextField)
        let stringValue: String = sender.text ?? ""
        if let value = Double(stringValue)
            sender.text = "\(String(format: "%.1f", value))"

    @IBAction func editingChanged_Flds(_ sender: UITextField)
        switch sender
        case fade_In_Fld_Outlet:
            fade_In_stepper_Outlet.value = Double(sender.text!) ?? 0.0
        case fade_Out_Fld_Outlet:
            fade_Out_stepper_Outlet.value = Double(sender.text!) ?? 0.0
        case pause_Before_Fld_Outlet:
            pause_Before_stepper_Outlet.value = Double(sender.text!) ?? 0.0
        case pause_After_Fld_Outlet:
            pause_After_stepper_Outlet.value = Double(sender.text!) ?? 0.0
        default: break

    @IBAction func stepper_Tapped(_ sender: UIStepper)
        switch sender
        case fade_In_stepper_Outlet:
            fade_In_Fld_Outlet.text = Double(sender.value).formatted()
        case fade_Out_stepper_Outlet:
            fade_Out_Fld_Outlet.text = Double(sender.value).formatted()
        case pause_Before_stepper_Outlet:
            pause_Before_Fld_Outlet.text = Double(sender.value).formatted()
        case pause_After_stepper_Outlet:
            pause_After_Fld_Outlet.text = Double(sender.value).formatted()
        default: break


Could you add prints and tell what you get (and check func is called when tapping stepper):

@IBAction func editing_Ended_Flds(_ sender: UITextField)
        let stringValue: String = sender.text ?? ""
        print("sender", sender.text)
        if let value = Double(stringValue)
            sender.text = "\(String(format: "%.1f", value))"
            print("sender formatted", sender.text)