WebGL issues after iOS 16.4 update.

Apps like:

https://www.clicktorelease.com/code/codevember-2017/shredder-redux/ https://lab.cheron.works/webgl-gpgpu-particles/

seem to stop working with the latest iOS update(in Safari and Chrome). Those applications are particle simulations that read from texture(those are high precision textures, which also may be a lead) in vertex shader. I have my own similar application which is also broken. And no error messages in console. Is this a known issue?

I'm also encountering a slew of issues with WebGL apps on iOS 16.4. Shader crashes, no anti-aliasing, all kinds of weird stuff.

Same here.

I have a phone on 16.3 and another on 16.4, accessing the exact same AR experience. 16.3 properly uses the alpha mask in a HEVC .mov file, but the 16.4 doesn't respect the alpha channel. It's an AR project using tensorflow, webGL backend and I've exhausted all other options, and combinations of file types, ruled out any codec or encoding tag issues, etc.

I also have a phone on the dev preview of 16.5 and it's still an issue there too.

I join the previous post. I have the same problem. Transparency stopped working in the latest iOS 16.4.1. And I checked on the old version of IOS 15.7.3 everything works fine.

The WebGL problem is from webkit adding support for OffscreenCanvas but with missing webgl support. The workaround, until proper support, is to not only check if OffscreenCanvas is available, but if it has the webgl context too.

The missing transparency in hevc videos is with no workaround as far as I know. I also don't know if it has anything to do with the missing webgl support. I think it should be a separate issue in the forum...

The polygon shredder redux, Cheron particles likely are rendering to 32-bit floats or filtering float textures.

Rendering to 32-bit float texture is currently not supported on any iOS device. Texture filtering of 32-bit float textures is currently not supported on any iOS device.

On 15.3, EXT_float_blend and EXT_color_buffer_float were incorrectly advertised. This bug was fixed in 15.4.

The application should use https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/EXT_color_buffer_half_float/ for both, and work with half-floats on if the 32-bit float extensions are not available.

For hevc video missing transparency, please file a feedback request against Safari at https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/ with preferably minimal reproduction testcase. You can also post a link to the reproduction case here

WebGL issues after iOS 16.4 update.