why does RoomCaptureSessionDelegate.captureSession did end with raw data?


In RoomPlan, all the functions captureSession() use a CapturedRoom as parameter except when we complete a session where raw data( CapturedRoomData) is passed as parameter (RoomCaptureSessionDelegate documentation)

My question is: Why is that?

  • What can be done with the raw data apart from converting it to a CapturedRoom?
  • Why aren't we directly provided with a CapturedRoom instead of raw data at this point?
  • Why do we receive a CapturedRoomData at the end of the session but a CapturedRoom during the scan?
func captureSession(RoomCaptureSession, didUpdatewith: CapturedRoom)

func captureSession(RoomCaptureSession, didEndWith: CapturedRoomData) // RAW DATA

I am thinking that maybe I missed some important point.


why does RoomCaptureSessionDelegate.captureSession did end with raw data?