Is RoomPlan changing the world reference system when it is done?

So, I have been working with RoomPlan in an application that is sensitive to the model's orientation. However, sometimes—even if the number representing the orientation I am capturing seems right—the final orientation is quite wrong.

Now, I have also noticed that sometimes (and I am not sure when, so it is kind of hard to reproduce) the representation of the room is shuffled when RoomCaptureView().captureSession.stop() is called... is RoomPlan reorganizing everything at the end? If so, is there any way to prevent this from happening?


I am confronted with the same problem, if i've understood the preceding post correctly. The images below shows the walls, as detected by apple room plan, over a heat-map (reflecting point densities) of the corresponding ARSession's point cloud projected on the floor plane. To be clear, the point cloud is constructed from depth-frames recorded during the room capture session. Also, as the point cloud is not fragmented, we can rule out that a loss of world tracking causes this behavior.

IMHO, this behavior is a bug as it destroys the correspondence of the estimated surfaces with related RGB and depth data and could be avoided (?).

Hopefully this gets fixed soon,

cheers c.

Is RoomPlan changing the world reference system when it is done?