Ambiguous documentation for `Transaction.purchaseQuantity`

Web docs state this:

The number of consumable products purchased.

Property documentation states this:

  /// Quantity of `productID` purchased in the transaction.
  /// - Note: Always 1 for non-consumables and auto-renewable suscriptions.

My question is whether or not this property applies to non-renewing subscriptions. As consumables are understood to have a technical meaning in most contexts regarding store kit (not including nonrenewing subscriptions). But then it doesn't clarify that in the code docs, only states that it is always 1 for only non-consumables and auto-renewable subscriptions; which makes the documentation implicitly contradictory.

According to code docs, does it mean it's not always 1 for non-renewing subscriptions? But aren't non-renewing subscriptions not considered consumable — which would contradict the web documentation.