WeatherKit Api required timezone query param

I would assume that I'd only need to give a formatted date/time none UTC as the Longitude and Latitude should produce it's unique timezone???

My API call${latitude}/${longitude}?dataSets=currentWeather&currentAsOf=${date}&timezone=${timeZone}

timezone is listed as a required query param in the api. Do I need it or not? It returns a result with or without the param. If I don't pass one, then what is the returned weather data?

My experience has been when sending a request without the timezone that the response defaults to the timezone at the requested lat and long, which is the desired behavior for my use case. That being said, as you mentioned, the documentation states that timezone is a required query param and given the API is still in beta and past behavior by the WeatherKit devs I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to start failing all requests made without a timezone without warning at any point in the future. I am working on adding timezone to my queries but would love for it to be optional and defaulting to the timezone at the lat and long (like DarkSky).

WeatherKit Api required timezone query param