Weatherkit REST API timezone

Hi all. I am working on weatherkit rest api to integrate to my android app. As a Dark Sky api user I can get timezone of the location which is requested which provides by Dark Sky api by default. But as far as i see there is no data for timezone info in weatherkit rest api. As an example it is necessary for sunrise data and etc. I know getting device timezone is easiest way but it's possible that an user can request a location has different timezone. I wish rest api provide location's timezone by default.

I feel the same way, would love to have the timezone at location by default

Yeah I also need it. Now I have to call a different API to get what the timezone offset for a given lat/long and augment it myself...pain in the ****

Same here. It's really bad that I can't have the location timezone. I have to recreate the entire fetching logic of my app and find an API that can do that

Weatherkit REST API timezone