Starting recording from background for a VoIP application.

After searching for a few days, i have come to know that iOS doesn't allow recording in background. Through recording continues when it has started in foreground and goes to background.

Came to know that, "This is a new a privacy protection restriction introduced in 12.4" When trying to start recording from background, we get “AVAudioSession.ErrorCode.cannotStartRecording” error.

What do i need: our application needs to starts recording audio and transmit it while in background when user presses an external button i.e. PTT button of a BLE device.

It seems there are several similar issue posted in this forum but neither could i find any plausible solution nor got any specific documentation from Apple.

Requesting to help me out or at least please provide me a specific documentation stating "background recording is not possible".

And if any workaround exists, please suggest.

P.S. we are using **AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .spokenAudio, options: [.mixWithOthers, .allowBluetooth, .allowBluetoothA2DP, .duckOthers]) **

Starting recording from background for a VoIP application.