TestFlight Users have no Audio

Hi All:

My app is working great on all of my devices, but all of my test flight users are saying there is no audio when tapping on videos. The videos are being streamed from my server. Any thoughts on why only the test flight users get no audio at all?

Accepted Reply

Oh this one was a doozy - hopefully is someone comes looking for an answer you learn from my problem. Apparently, it is possible for the audio NOT to play when silent mode is engaged (on the iPhone with the switch, on iPad through control center). That said, I need to add some code in order for the audio to play WHILE IN SILENT MODE:

                   //Here is the code you need up until player.play to enable it to play while in silent mode: do {

                        try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback)

                    } catch {

                        // report for an error




Oh this one was a doozy - hopefully is someone comes looking for an answer you learn from my problem. Apparently, it is possible for the audio NOT to play when silent mode is engaged (on the iPhone with the switch, on iPad through control center). That said, I need to add some code in order for the audio to play WHILE IN SILENT MODE:

                   //Here is the code you need up until player.play to enable it to play while in silent mode: do {

                        try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback)

                    } catch {

                        // report for an error

