How come there is no Xcode 14.x that supports macOS 13.2? (Based on information on Xcode official page).

(was: App crashed in Xcode 14.x simulators on macOS 13.2.1 (reproduced consistently) but worked well on phone)

I upgraded my system to macOS 13.2.1 and Xcode 14.2 yesterday, and found my app crashed in simulators but worked well on my phone. Because it's unlikely my code issue (the same code worked fine on macOS 13.0 + Xcode 14.0 in the past a few months.), I tried Xcode 14.1 and Xcode 14.0.1 today, unfortunately they all crashed with same symptom. I suspect there was some change (or bug) in macOS 13.2.1 that caused the issue?

I find the following report yesterday:, which might be related (though it was about macOS 13.0.1).

I upgraded my system before I prepare App Store review materials (what a bad idea it was!). Now I'm not sure what I should do. I'm thinking to submit the binaries that crashed in simulators because I believe it's a simulator issue on the specific OS version. Does anyone know if this is OK? My concern is that App Store automated test probably use simulators too (though I don't understand how Apple didn't catch the crash issue in the first place). Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Answered by rayx in 745877022

It's a stack overflow caused by a known issue with enum with large payload size. See discussion here.

The upgrade was a red herring (sorry for the false alarm).


More information. I find the following on Xcode 14.2 download page (emphasis mine):

It includes SDKs for iOS 16.2, iPadOS 16.2, tvOS 16.1, watchOS 9.1, and macOS Ventura 13.1.

(see: The same information can be found in its release notes.)

So Xcode 14.2 doesn't support macOS 13.2?! I don't understand it. How come Apple releases a new OS version without a new Xcode version working on it?

Now that I have upgraded my OS to 13.2, what options do I have? Thanks for any help.

Could you show the crashlog ?

Hi, Claude31, thanks for the help.

This is the error message (or do you mean a complete crash log as described in this page?)

Thread 7: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x70000be7cfb0)

And this is the stack trace of a test I written to reproduce the crash. The test contains no UI code (I ran into the issue in my app at first). The test calls API of a library in my app, so the stack trace is perhaps meanlingless to you. More on this below.

I have been thinking about the issue today and now I suspect it might be a stack overflow issue, mainly because I can't think of any other reason why it crashed (more on this below). It may also explains why the issue doesn't occur on my phone (for example, could it be that the cooperative thread on phone has larger stack size than that on macOS? BTW, my laptop has Intel CPU, not sure it makes a difference)

Below are some details which may help to understand the background of the issue:

  • The code that crashed are quite simple. My app has a demo mode. When user activates the demo mode, the app runs an async func to generate demo data, and pass the generated data back to the main thread. The crash occurred in the async func to generate the demo data.

    While the internal of the code to generate the data are complex, it's quite simple from architecture perspective because a) it doesn't interact with any other part of the code in the app, and b) it uses only structs internally and return value of a struct. So there isn't a obvious reason why it could crash due to memeory error.

  • I was able to reproduce the issue in a non-ui test (see stack trace above). Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the issue without using my library. For example, creating a large (e.g, size of 8M) array or dictionary in an async func doens't crash. I think it's because array and dictionary have very small footprint in stack (they are mainly in heap to support COW behavior). That said, I use only value types (structs, array, dictonary, enum) in my app, so I have no idea why I could have stack overflow issue.

  • If I change the async func to a plain old sync func and call it in main thread, the code worked fine. That's why I think it's might be a stack size issue, because main thread has larger size than worker thread. That said, I have developed the app for more than one year and did a lot of testing, including provisioning a large set of data in main thread. I never saw the crash issue in main thread (as I explained above, I suppose it's because arrays and dictonary has small footprint in stacks). So, while worker thread has smaller stack size, I didn't expect this issue.

  • Also, as I decribed in previous posts, I run into the issue after I upgraded my OS and Xcode. It worked fine on macOS 13.0 + Xcode 14.0. Could it be some thing changed on macOS that caused the crash (I don't mean it's a bug)?

Now I'm trying to figure out how to verify this is really a stack overflow issue and identify which function the overflow occurs. The internals of the demo data generation file is complex: it generates raw data, then parse the data to generate derived data and repeat (there are recursion invoved, thought I don't think recusion is the reason caused the stack overflow, I suspect it's the size of the data instead). The crash log seems helpless. The size(ofValue:) doesn't help either, because as I said above most of the storage in array and dictionary are in heap. Do you have any suggestions? I'm also thinking to ask in Swift forum what's the general approach to identify stackoverflow issue. Thanks.

UPDATE: while I'm not sure, I'm investigating if it's a stack overflow issue now (I didn't realize it at first because it used to work fine). See my reply to Claude31 below. I apology for the misleading title (unfortunately I can't change it).

Accepted Answer

It's a stack overflow caused by a known issue with enum with large payload size. See discussion here.

The upgrade was a red herring (sorry for the false alarm).

How come there is no Xcode 14.x that supports macOS 13.2? (Based on information on Xcode official page).