Can’t find variable: AMS

Hello i try to click

Media and purchase > View account >

Says; Cannot connect Can’t find variable : AMS Retry

i press retry but nothing is happening.

any suggestions?

Thank you.

the same problem.


Same issue here

Same problem

I’m having the same problem and cannot add apps because of this.

same problem

Trying to change region, same error…

Same issue when trying to change region

I am getting this error since long now and can't change my country. Is there any resolution for this?

I’m facing similar issue not able to change my country .

Same issue when I tried to change my region.

The same issue

Try to change it directly through itunes website.

the same problem.

Same here, still no solution ?

Same problem here, still no solution?

Can not change region bc of this error

Same issue for me. As I relocate from another region, this bug prevents me from download new apps. Hopefully a workaround will be proposed soon.

Same problem. Can’t view purchases. Big problem!

Same problem!

I was able to change mine. Let me help you out guys.

First go to Apple Store then go to settings

Then click your acct/username

then click country/region on the next page

then u can change it from there. Just select the country.

Then accept the terms and conditions and ur good to go! Best of luck. Let me know if u'll have any problems 😊

I had a similar problem but managed to sort it out! I first changed the region online by logging to appleid page but that still didn’t let me change my billing address in the phone settings. The next thing I did was going to App Store and changing my region and billing address there. That automatically changed it on iTunes and in the settings as well. It seems like there’s an error where instead of directing you to the App Store, it takes you to iTunes. It’s impossible to change the region from there, hence why it shows the missing data info. Hope that helps!

Same problem here… I moved to a different country and want to change my region.

Same issue. Has there been any fix yet?

Can’t find variable: AMS