Retrieving product and price information of in app purchase

Hi team,

I would to extract the order information of customer's in-app purchase on app store to match against sales revenue. Looking through the Apple API documentation, I am taking the following steps

  1. Get status and history for in-app purchase transactions through the App Store Server API by calling the Get Transaction History endpoint. This returns me the purchase date, transactionID, and quantity information. There is also a field called productID which was created in Apple Store Connect.

  2. However i would also need to extract price information such as currency and item unit price. I looked through Apple Store Connect API which contains in app purchase information. How should i retrieve these fields from the response from Get Transaction History endpoint. Should I use the productID and what are the subsequent API endpoints to query?

And what's even worse, there are discounts and sales when the product price changes, and for accurate analytics, it is necessary to understand how much money was earned, what the LTV is, and which user acquisition channels are working and which are not.

So simply having a price for productID won't suffice. You need to know the currency in which the sale was made and how much money was earned. It's also desirable to know the tax that was applied to this sale in order to understand how much of this amount was paid to the developer.

As a developer, I have to come up with workarounds. I know the system settings of the device that made the purchase. From there, I take the country. Also, the device returns a receipt which contains a download_id and transaction_id. Using the download_id, I can determine which devices belong to a single user. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm tilting at windmills and reinventing the wheel, when Apple could provide a working solution that would help solve the problem accurately.

Retrieving product and price information of in app purchase