AUV3 MIDI Processor not appearing in GarageBand.

Ive Just built a AUV3 MIDI Processor app, using Apple template for (AudioUnit extension app) The AUV3 instance is not appearing in GarageBand while using iPhone, iPad and m1 Mac mini. Using Xcode 14.2

If I create a AUV3 Instrument, the instance works fine and I can find it. Any ideas ? thanks

Very little to no replies on this forum. Not really a forum if people aren’t using it!

Ok, I'm assuming MIDI processor AUV3's are not supported by GarageBand at this time, so to get this to work I changed the aumi setting in the info plist to aumu and it works in GarageBand as an AUV3 Instrument.

AUV3 MIDI Processor not appearing in GarageBand.