Live Activity can't be updated by app running in background and playing audio

Hello, I've recently hit a roadblock when trying to integrate new Live Activities into my app. My app plays audio and the basic functionality of the Live Activity is to display some info whenever currently played track changes. It seems that even though my app has enabled background modes for playing audio updating live activity's content just doesn't do anything. No message is printed to console, no error is thrown and the documentation suggests that it should be possible without using BackgroundTasks.

You can only start a Live Activity from your app while it’s in the foreground. However, you can update or end a Live Activity from your app while it runs in the background — for example, by using Background Tasks.


Using BackgroundTasks doesn't make sense for apps that need to display relevant information for ongoing tasks. I realize that this is probably to prevent apps from updating too often but there already is an option in Info.plist to allow frequent updates for Live Activities.

We've all wanted a way to interact with users on lock screen for years but such limitation seriously prevents a lot of apps from doing something cool with the API.

Please consider making the API less restrictive about when the activities can be updated.

Live Activity can't be updated by app running in background and playing audio