WeatherKit and "current" weather for past dates.

The WeatherKit REST API returns different weather objects for different data sets (currentWeather, forecastDaily, forecastHourly, etc.) . Via the REST API, I can request the "current" weather for any given date, using the currentAsOf query parameter.

However, in the native WeatherKit framework, I don't see any way to get a "CurrentWeather" object for a past date, even though this appears to be possible via the REST API. So if I want to know what the temperature was at 10:30am yesterday, for example, the best I can do with the native framework is request the hourly weather for 10:00am and 11:00am yesterday, and then average the two. But if I use the REST API, I could query that directly.

Is this correct? Is there no way to get "current" weather conditions for past dates? (Or, alternatively, is currentAsOf not actually doing what I think it's doing?)