Hi, I'm using NSURSessionDataTask in order to send REST command to remote server.
the server doesn't request client-side verification in TLS, but the client does request server authentication as implemented in the following code
if (challenge.protectionSpace.authenticationMethod ==
NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust) {
NSURLCredential* credential =
[NSURLCredential credentialForTrust:challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust];
completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengePerformDefaultHandling, nil);
However, even though I set the server certificate as "Trusted" I get the following failure :
2023-01-13 00:45:51.139349+0700 0x348f4 Default 0x0 7633 0 pas: (CFNetwork) System Trust Evaluation yielded stat
2023-01-13 00:45:51.139390+0700 0x348f4 Error 0x0 7633 0 pas: (CFNetwork) ATS failed system trust
2023-01-13 00:45:51.139413+0700 0x348f4 Error 0x0 7633 0 pas: (CFNetwork) Connection 132: system TLS Trust eva
luation failed(-9802)
2023-01-13 00:45:51.139432+0700 0x348f4 Default 0x0 7633 0 pas: (CFNetwork) Connection 132: TLS Trust result -98
2023-01-13 00:45:51.139450+0700 0x348f4 Error 0x0 7633 0 pas: (CFNetwork) Connection 132: TLS Trust encountere
d error 3:-9802
2023-01-13 00:45:51.139467+0700 0x348f4 Error 0x0 7633 0 pas: (CFNetwork) Connection 132: encountered error(3:
2023-01-13 00:45:51.139488+0700 0x348f4 Default 0x0 7633 0 pas: (CFNetwork) Connection 132: cleaning up
2023-01-13 00:45:51.139508+0700 0x348f4 Default 0x0 7633 0 pas: (CFNetwork) [com.apple.CFNetwork:Summary] Connec
tion 132: summary for unused connection {protocol=“(null)“, domain_lookup_duration_ms=0, connect_duration_ms=0, secure_connection_duration_ms=0
, private_relay=false, idle_duration_ms=0}
I also tried to connect the same URL from various browsers, and it passed those security checks...
How can I figure out what is the problem here? I made sure that the server certificate is set to trusted on system keychain, and my process is running in elevated user mode.
I know how to disable this check, but I prefer to understand exactly what It means and fix the certificate chain if needed. thanks