Opt out does not work: Watch app automatically launches and becomes the frontmost app

watchOS auto-starts watchOS Apps when when the user begins playing audio content on the corresponding iOS app. My App is a standalone App, but still auto-started occasionally. According to this documentation, it is possible to opt out of this behaviour: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/watchkit/wkextensiondelegate/2980708-handleremotenowplayingactivity

I entered the key PUICAutoLaunchAudioOptOut into the WatchKit extension’s info.plist file. However, it is not possible to enter this key, according to the screenshot in this documentation, into the NSExtension Dictionary. The key PUICAutoLaunchAudioOptOut is not recognised, i.e. converted to the full string "Opt out of Auto...".  When entering the key into the main Information Property list of the WatchKit extension’s info.plist file, it recognised but ignored, i.e. the App is still automatically started.  How can i prevent my watchOS App from being auto-started without requiring the user to opt out of this in the settings for all Apps?

If your app is watch only, it shouldn't be auto launched based on behavior on the iOS device because there is no corresponding iOS app. Can you provide more information about what your app is doing and what behavior you're expecting?

Exactly, since the app is a standalone watch App, it should not auto-launch at all. But still it does. I just found an updated documentation page about opting out in a different plist.info file: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/watchkit/wkapplicationdelegate/3946544-handleremotenowplayingactivity/ I will try this next and see if it helps.

Let me rephrase. :-) I mean what is the purpose of your app: what functionality does it provide/what does it do? Perhaps you could file a Feedback, ideally with the name of the app, so we could reproduce the behavior and understand the problem a little better. Thanks!

Opt out does not work: Watch app automatically launches and becomes the frontmost app