Support for ifc and furniture recognition and solid scan in AR6 kit


can you support in ar6 api scan to bim and export in ifc, scan room or space which detect Doors,windows, furniture with using AI and make floor plan which can be exported to ifc or format for bim. Second can you make lidar scan to solid not pointcloud but to real solid like stl format also using AI to detect Shapes.

but also for solid parts

Best regards

happy new


  • Hi,

    can you support in ARKIT export floorplan api like in usdz to .bim simple xml file format , also include in usdz semantics for blender conversion in ifc but dotBIM would be great , already have element catalogue , so this is just write xml in .bim file format

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Hi Ivo,

With the ARKit Scene Reconstruction API, you can already create polygon meshes of your environment and also detect different types of surfaces/objects, such as chairs or tables. This API is available since iOS 13.4.

For new feature suggestions, we encourage you to file an enhancement request at


thank you for your answer, also would be great to have also 3d comparator api like we import floor plan ( ifc or internal polygons, stl) and then with LiDAR scan room or part to see the differences compare virtual model with real model , also for solid parts in mechanical engineer like shafts , valves , to take 2d dimension like flatten function in cad programs (Flatten 3d to 2d) api function.

best regards

Can you just add for v18 API in Roomplan kit export to simple ifc thru

just wall, openings, doors, windows, rooms, or make simple usdz to ifc converter maybe in macOS viewer

best regards,


  • Or just implement in roomplan kit export to .bim thru like now there is usdz this would solve lots of issues

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