serach bar not find all words

I have a problem with the search, it doesn't search for each letter individually, these only if it is word is together, for example: I search Kate it will find but if I type Kae (that still has the letters in it), he won't find it, why?

   filteredData = contacts.filter {name in
        return  name.firstName.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased()) || name.lastName.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased()) || name.telephone.removeCharacters(from: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased())

i attach screenshot

That's the intended behaviour.

When you test substring, you test if Kae is as such, inside name.

It is not (Kae letters are all in Kate is not a substring of Kate).

So, what is your spec ?

  • get letters all present ? Then ake would match Kae, which you probably don't want
  • find letters in this order ? Then Akyabe would match Kae. Is it what you want ?
  • Would Kaa match ?

You could use this:

func isMatching(sub: String, inString: String) -> Bool {
    let sub = sub.lowercased()
    var inString = inString.lowercased()
    // Let us find the positions of each character of sub in inString
    var positions = [Int]()
    for c in sub {
        if let pos = inString.firstRange(of: String(c)) {
            let startPos = inString.distance(from: inString.startIndex, to: pos.lowerBound)
            inString.removeSubrange(pos)    // Now that we have found c, let us remove it
        } else {
            return false
    // If 0 or 1 character in sub, it is in correct order
    if positions.count < 2 { return true }
    // Now that we have found all letters, check if they are in correct order
    for index in 0...positions.count-2 {
        if positions[index] > positions[index+1] { return false }
    // All OK
    return true

Some tests:

var result = isMatching(sub: "Kae", inString: "Kate")
print("Kae", result)
 result = isMatching(sub: "Kate", inString: "Kate")
print("Kate", result)
 result = isMatching(sub: "Katy", inString: "Kate")
print("Katy", result)
result = isMatching(sub: "Kaa", inString: "Kate")
print("Kaa in Kate", result)
result = isMatching(sub: "Kaa", inString: "Katea")
print("Kaa in Katea", result)
result = isMatching(sub: "ake", inString: "Kate")
print("ake", result)
result = isMatching(sub: "kae", inString: "Akyabe")
print("kae in Akyabe", result)

Which results in:

Kae true
Kate true
Katy false
Kaa in Kate false
Kaa in Katea false
ake false
kae in Akyabe true

And replace the test



isMatching(sub: searchText, inString: name.firstName)

Code has to be slightly changed, so that

Kaa in Katea 

returns true

func isMatching(sub: String, inString: String) -> Bool {
    let sub = sub.lowercased()
    var inString = inString.lowercased()
    var offset = 0 // Keep the position of last found char
    // Let us find the positions of each character of sub in inString
    var positions = [Int]()

    for c in sub {
        if let pos = inString.firstRange(of: String(c)) {
            let startPos = inString.distance(from: inString.startIndex, to: pos.lowerBound)
            positions.append(startPos + offset)
            inString.removeFirst(startPos+1) //  Now that we have found c, let us remove characters before, including itself
            offset = startPos
        } else {
            return false

    // If 0 or 1 character in sub, it is in correct order
    if positions.count < 2 { return true }
    // Now that we have found all letters, check if they are in correct order
    for index in 0...positions.count-2 {
        if positions[index] > positions[index+1] { return false }
    // All OK
    return true

Thank you very much, but


is available from ios 16

You did not answer the question about what is your "spec".


firstRange is available from ios 16

For sure. It is very similar, you could even have found yourself:


        if let pos = inString.firstRange(of: String(c)) {
            let startPos = inString.distance(from: inString.startIndex, to: pos.lowerBound)


        if let pos = inString.firstIndex(of: c) {
            let startPos = inString.distance(from: inString.startIndex, to: pos)

Here a more compact version, using recursivity:

func isMatching(sub: String, inString: String) -> Bool {

    if sub.isEmpty { return true }  // It's over

    var newSub: String
    var newInString: String
    let c = sub.first! // As it is not empty

  // We loop over the first char of sub check if OK, then call recursively after trimming sub and inString
    if let pos = inString.firstIndex(of: c) {
        let startPos = inString.distance(from: inString.startIndex, to: pos)
        newInString = inString
        newInString.removeFirst(startPos+1) //  Now that we have found c, let us remove characters before
        newSub = sub
        return findSub(sub: newSub, inString: newInString)
    } else {
        return false      // first char not found, so we failed ; that stops recursion


If you do not want to consider case, recursive version should of course use lowercase:

func isMatching(sub: String, inString: String) -> Bool {

    if sub.isEmpty { return true }  // It's over
    let sub = sub.lowercased()
    let inString = inString.lowercased()
    let c = sub.first! // As it is not empty
    // We loop over the first char of sub check if OK, then call recursively after trimming sub and inString
    if let pos = inString.firstIndex(of: c) {
        let startPos = inString.distance(from: inString.startIndex, to: pos)

        var newInString = inString
        newInString.removeFirst(startPos+1) //  Now that we have found c, let us remove characters before

        var newSub = sub

        return findSub(sub: newSub, inString: newInString)
    } else {
        return false    // first char not found, so we failed ; that stops recursion
serach bar not find all words