If statement not working on shortcuts iOS 16.2

i used to have shorts where my phone goes into lower power mode on its own when it reaches 20% and that it will remind me to unplug once battery status reaches 90%. But now I am not able to do that as the if statement does jot have the conditions that it used to have before. I used the if equal to, if lesser than, if greater than features for these shortcuts of mine. Now all I see are two conditions that basically only checks for value. Which again makes no sense because your battery status will always have a value ranging from 0-100. So how do I solve this I don’t know. The conditons need to come back!

it goes on the lower power mode on its own. no usually it tells the user to turn on the low data mode to hold what little change it has left. also, when the battery is plug in and charging it will give the user a signal and charge is sufficient at 80%.

If statement not working on shortcuts iOS 16.2