Is it possible to share multiple links at once on Mac Catalyst to Messages? When I provide multiple urls via the UIActivityItemSource API Messages just picks 1 of the links.
The Mail activity handles multiple links without a problem but I'd like this to work with Messages too. I know for sure this is possible in native AppKit but can't seem to figure out how to get this to work on Catalyst.
I tried providing the links to UIActivityViewController with a UIActivityItemsConfiguration object instead of using the UIActivityItemSource API but that didn't work either.
Thanks in advance
Here's something that might be a Catalyst bug, but who knows what they'll say really. My UIActivityItemSource wasn't handling the Messages situation properly because -activityViewController:itemForActivityType: passes in @"" on Catalyst when the Messages activity is selected. This does not match the UIActivityTypeMessage constant, which is @"".