Hide My Email crashes apps when canceled

The "Hide My Email" feature appears crash apps when canceled. Given a text field with a textContentType set to .emailAddress:

  1. Tap the text field so it that it becomes the first responder
  2. Tap the "Hide My Email" suggestion above the keyboard
  3. Tap "Cancel" on the iCloud+ action sheet

The app will freeze with no way to recover. When I reproduce, I see this log in the debugger (unclear if this is related):

Last Exception Backtrace:
No stack!

Is this a known issue? Is there any workaround? I'm able to reproduce not just in my own app, but also in other apps that I download from the App Store. I noticed this bug going back to September, so I'm not optimistic this is being worked on... which is unfortunate because it can affect signups!

This was previously affecting iOS 16.0.2. It has been fixed as of iOS 16.2.0.

Have the same issue here.

Hide My Email crashes apps when canceled