MultipeerConnectivity over Bluetooth (iOS15)

We are using the apple sample Streaming an AR Experience app ( ) to share an AR experience between an iPhone and iPad.

This works fine over a local Wifi network but it never gets to connected over Bluetooth (Wifi turned off on both devices and devices connected over Bluetooth).

Over bluetooth it gets to connecting state receiving the invite in didReceiveInvitationFromPeer which is handled but then never gets any further and eventually timesout.

[GCKSession] Not in connected state, so giving up for participant [7DB7CDF8] on channel [0] ..... [GCKSession] Not in connected state, so giving up for participant [08E02193] on channel [7].

Is anyone else able to get this working over Bluetooth on iOS15? Is there a new permission that has to be added?

The " Streaming an AR Experience" sample code works on two devices (haven't tried simulator). It actually is much smoother on only Bluetooth; chokes on WiFi. In fact, I found your post while search on how to make MultiPeerConnectivity exclusive on Bluetooth.

I have a bare bones app to test Session and Streaming APIs here: -- maybe that would help

MultipeerConnectivity over Bluetooth (iOS15)