UITextView select All is broken on Mac Catalyst 16

The standard Command-A keyboard shortcut in a UITextView is broken in Mac Catalyst 16/ Ventura with either TextKit 2 or TextKit 1 for long texts. In iOS 16 the selection is instant but on MacOS with Catalyst a beachball is displayed for more than 50 seconds and the app consumes gigabytes of memory.

Earlier versions of Mac Catalyst work fine.

To duplicate this just create a small storyBoard app with an editable UITextView and paste a long document around 1Mb then use the standard Select All Command either from the keyboard or the app menu. l I use Tale of Two Cities which is about 800k to test in my app.

Is there any workaround for this?


MacOS 13.1 released and the bug is still present. Surely of 160 members that have read this post someone must have some feedback on this? I really would appreciate it. Thanks

Same here on macOS Sonoma 14.4.1.
