iOS 16 Issues with PKAddPassButton ad to wallet button styles

I've been trying to fix the styles for the 'Add to Wallet' button in our app to be compliant with the Apple guidelines, but it appears that the issue is being caused by something in iOS 16.

In iOS 16.1 the button appears like this:

Whereas in 16.0 it appears like this:

with no change to the code.

This may be due to using React Nastive however the button code is written in Swift.

Any help or suggestions?

Hi there, same on my side, on iOS 16.1.2 the design of the PKAddPassButton is different and nothing seems work to change the style / size ...

Did you find anything on that defect ?


Same for fresh native swift app.

I have noticed the exact same thing! Was anyone able to check with Apple whether this change is intentional or not?

Did you find solution to this? Also, the "add to apple wallet" does not changed to the phone's settings language in a React Native project and a fresh swift app.

Hi there, PKAddPassButton does not change title language to the iOS system language on iOS 16/17. Maybe someone found a solution to this issue?

We are experiencing the same issue and confusion.

Whether we are creating a brand new project or existing project, the button has this new appearance (smaller corner radius).

The same is true for the SwiftUI equivalent button.

We are attempting to submit a feature using the button and Apple reviewers are suggesting that we are in violation of the guidelines.

This is catch 22. The guidelines state that we should use this component, but the same guidelines say that this component is invalid.

iOS 16 Issues with PKAddPassButton ad to wallet button styles