Network Framework not picking WatchOS 9+

As you can see in this open source repository, I am trying to test out the code provided when you download the Apple sample "Building a custom peer-to-peer protocol"

I bought a new Apple TV in order to work with this. But I have had so many issues! First I realized that the functionality is only available from WatchOS 9 or greater, but my Apple Watch 3 won't update to WatchOS 9. Then I got another watch, but it had to be updated. Then had to turn on the Developer Mode and then I was having a issues where it kept saying that the phone & watch needed to be unlocked, over and over -.-. Then finally after building the app on the watch from my computer using Xcode (latest), the problem I am now having is that the app on the AppleTV only detects the phones in the network, and not this new Apple Watch. -,- So now I just have a bunch of new technology that is doing nothing

I have read through so many tutorials but can't tell why it doesn't detect it. It seems like the DDDevicePickerViewController is not returning the watch.

The other question I have is, can I use the Network Framework to connect to multiple devices at the same time? (Think Texas hold em poker on Apple TV but with cards on each player's phone)

Alright I tried it again to make sure I hadn't messed up anything and it still didn't work.

Adding a screenshot to share what I see in the DDDevicePickerViewController. There's no Watches displayed, despite having 2 watches in the same wifi network -one WatchOS 8.7 and the other running WatchOS 9

This is a screenshot from the Apple Watch

Watch up my as annis

Hey @SaamerMansoor , did you try calling DDDevicePickerViewController.isSupported(.applicationService(name: applicationServiceName), using: applicationServiceParameters()) on tvOS 16.x with Xcode 15? Now it will cause app crashes..

Network Framework not picking WatchOS 9+