I have a UITextView with allowsEditingTextAttributes set to true.
On iOS 15 and before, users can select part of the text and tap on the BIU button in order to set the text to bold, italic or underline. On iOS 16 the BIU button is missing.
How can the user change the formatting of the text contained inside an UITextView on iOS 16? There is something I need to specify on UITextView?
Thank you
I found the cause of the issue.
My project is a Catalyst project and I used a UIMenuBuilder inside the AppDelegate buildMenu(with:) method to remove some items from the Mac menu bar. One of the item I removed was the format menu (UIMenu.Identifier.format).
This on iOS 15 has no effect to the UITextView menu, but on iOS 16 removing the format menu cause the UITextView menu to also hide the "Format" item. I think it has someting to do with the fact that the item was renamed from "BIU" (iOS 15) to "Format" (iOS 16). So, I added a condition to remove the menu items only when the environment is macCatalyst and now everything works as expected.