My app calls Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) to get the subscription status when the app starts.
Users with multiple Apple IDs have reported that every few days they get an unpurchased status, and when I checked that, the Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) result array was empty. (When the app is restarted, Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) gives the correct result.)
StoreKit.Transaction.currentEntitlements, which is executed immediately after Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:), seems to be getting the correct result, so I am trying to check the subscription status with this result.
Is it a bug that Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) returns an empty result for the purchaser?
There is a mismatch between Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) and StoreKit.Transaction.currentEntitlements.
Is it possible for a mismatch to occur?
And In such a case, which result should be adopted?