What happened to the WWDC16 session 230: Enhancing VoIP Apps with CallKit video? Its gone

This video is referenced in several places, for example here references it


and Eskimo has referenced it in his posts. But its gone, there are other WWDC16 session videos but not this one (https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc2016)

Is it available anywhere else?

Also how can this code be run/tested for an incoming call (without using the build in simulator i.e. using a real incoming Voip call)? What tool/app etc. could be used to generate a call to the handset to see the code in action when answering a VoIP call?

Found it here https://wwdctogether.com/wwdc2016/230

Presentation https://docplayer.net/docview/57/40382450/#file=/storage/57/40382450/40382450.pdf

What happened to the WWDC16 session 230: Enhancing VoIP Apps with CallKit video? Its gone