XCode Clouds Build Fails: Un-abled to load contents of Pods xcfilelist

When Building with XCode Cloud I receive errors reading Cocoapods xcfilelist files.

The errors are as follows:

Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-<Project Name>/Pods-Anytune-frameworks-Release-output-files.xcfilelist'

Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-Anytune/Pods-<Project Name>-resources-Release-output-files.xcfilelist'

When building through Xcode (Product > Build) everything works, however this is not the case with Xcode Cloud.

I have verified that the xcfilelist paths exist on my machine, however with Xcode Cloud they are unable to load.

I have also tried cleaning, updating and rebuilding my Cocoapods to no avail.

This issue exists on stackoverflow. Link is found here. The solutions here did not work for me.

Any help would be appreciated.

Try the following, first need to identify where the problem is.

  1. Can you build manually (Product > Archive and export a development build)?
  2. If the above is possible then most likely go to AppStoreConnect > Your app > Xcode Cloud > Repositories and see if the permissions have been granted to your dependent repositories?

Same problem here, I don't know what I should do about it to solve it

I am having this same issue. I'm able to build manually, but when the build finishes processing on App Connect, it disappears from the list and after I refresh the page, I see 'No Builds'.

The ci_post_clone.sh is needed with the following contents:

# !/bin/sh

brew install cocoapods
pod install

The script must be located in: <project_root>/ci_scripts/ci_post_clone.sh

Also the naming of files and folders must be exact.

These links were helpful:



massive thanks. it worked like a charm.

just to make it clear, with <project_root> the actual root is mean (the one where the .xcodeproj file is located) not the root of the app code

XCode Clouds Build Fails: Un-abled to load contents of Pods xcfilelist