I have this JSON-File coming from a MySQL-Database via PHP:
"name":"Migros Bank",
"name":"Testkonto 1",
"iban":"CH12 1234 1234 1234 1234 1",
In SwiftUI I decode it to a custom struct called Depot which consists of one instance of the custom struct Partner and an array of Instances of the custom struct Depotstand:
struct Depot: Hashable, Codable, Identifiable {
var id: Int
var partner: Partner? = nil
var name: String
var type: String
var iban: String? = nil
var datapoints: [Depotstand]? = nil
struct Partner: Hashable, Codable, Identifiable {
var id: Int
var name: String
var image: String
var imageName: Image {
struct Depotstand: Hashable, Codable, Identifiable {
var id: Int
var depot_id: Int
var date: Date
var amount: Double
I have a custom class called DataService which handles all the REST-stuff etc. which is referenced in every file/view that uses data from the REST-interface as @StateObject
as in:
@StateObject private var DATA = DataService()
The structure is like this:
- ContentView.swift (does not include DATA) loads Home.swift
- Home.swift (includes DATA) loads DATA on the NavigationView wrapper
(which works great) as in:
NavigationView {
// some stuff here
.task {
do {
try await DATA.readDepotAll()
try await DATA.readDepotstandAll()
} catch {
- Home.swift loads DepotList.swift which shows a list of all Depots of a certain category (a click on a list item opens the view DepotDetails.swift which shows a list of all Depotstands aka datapoints)
- In DepotDetails.swift is a + button in the toolbar which activates a sheet to insert a new Depotstand aka datapoint via DepotstandAdd.swift (which also works perfectly). But here is where my actual problem starts; the new datapoint can be inserted and when I print out the most current datapoint's value, the correct amount is displayed. But in the list of datapoints, the new added one is not reflected until I go one page back (DepotList.swift) which makes a refresh and shows the new total amount and then again on DepotDetails.swift which then also shows the refreshed data. I would like the data of DepotDetails.swift to be refreshed on completion of the sheet-action.
I attach the following code, DepotList.swift, DepotDetails.swift and DepotstandAdd.swift, as well as the relevant parts of the DataService which receives and posts the data over REST, since the post is already getting too long - sorry.
Thanks for helping me out!
P.s: To be very clear; there is no error or failure message or something like this - everything just works as expected. I just need to know, how I can get the freshly inserted data to be displayed without having to manually reentering the view to let it doing it itself.