Equivalent of Android's SipAudioCall, SipManager etc.

I'm trying to find what/if the iOS equivalent to Android's Sip range of APIs is. For example SipAudioCall is for handling the audio calls, SipManager for initiating SIP connections.

I'm aware of iOS's CallKit component and have read its documentation, however all it seems to provide basically is a listening mechanism for Voip Pushes indicating a Voip call request and a means of integrating Voip Calls with the native call screens/system.

I can't see anything in the Callkit documentation or tutorials to do things like initiate a SIP connection, or register SIP identify/IP, or start a VoIP call, or actually manage an incomming VoIP call.

Could somebody point me to the documentation for those APIs if they exist, if they don't, does that mean if you want to develop a VoIP app you have to implement a load of stuff from scratch?