XCode 14.1: Stuck at "Launching Application" after building the project

Hello team, On Xcode 14.1, After building the project and when the simulator launches, it shows blank black screen. Here steps to reproduce:

  1. build the project with fresh device. Try changing the language to French in device settings
  2. Device should launch in French language. Instead, it loads and goes blank (blank screen)
  3. Quit the simulator (XPC error is displayed) and rebuild the project using the same simulator device.
  4. Build succeeds and simulator launches, but has blank screen on simulator.
  5. Xcode is stuck at "Launching Application"

Is this a known issue? Has anyone experienced the same? How can I fix this? Stack (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74315983/xcode-stuck-on-launching-application) says its a bug, so posting here for recommendations

I meet the stucking & black sreen simulator issue like above but just happend sometime when run on simulator. I need to quit simulator and run again to fix.

I'm having the same issue with Xcode 14.1, i.e. when Xcode launches a Simulator, the Simulator freezes and causes the system to lockup.

I'm stuck in the middle of the ocean, as they say. I have updated my app with iOS 16 changes, but unable to continue work on localization. I think it's time to file a bug report.

I'm stuck even after updating Xcode to 14.2 but the issue seems to still persist.

Have the same problem after updating to xcode 14. Still happens in 14.2

Is there any help from apple engineers ?

It seems this is related to upgrading to macOS Ventura, not to a specific version of Xcode.

same for me, I just filed a report. It is a nightmare and very consuming time to restart simulator for each build

Same thing here as I have submitted a bug report but still no resolve from anywhere.

same problem. pls fix this bug

I am also facing the same problem. OS version - 13.1 (22C65) XCode version - 14.2 (14C18) When I am launching the app after debugging, first time it runs but after that XCode is stuck at Launching.

Same issue with Xcode 14.2 :(

I have the same problem with Xcode 14.2. there isn't any solution to this problem? if anyone has a solution for it please share it with me.

Same problem. Really annoying. Only way to "fix it" is to restart the simulator. For someone who has to develop is a really pain in the iOSass

I'M also facing same issue. It's is very irritating to restart simulator again and again. Did you find any solution?

macOS: Ventura

Xcode: 14.1

When I start Xcode, it takes too much time to prepare my project.

When I tap run (on simulator), it takes too much time to run my app. (Around a minute)

When I tap stop (to stop simulator), it takes too much time to run my app. (Around a minute)

When I tap build after code changes, it takes too much time to start building the app.

Actually Xcode is really hard to use right now. I am planning to downgrade to Monterey coz some of pals say it better on it.

Will apple look into it anytime soon? because there seem's to be no point showing our frustration here.

Another dev reporting the same issue, adding comment in the vain hope that Apple will fix this.

I found that this bug can only be reproduced when rosette mode enabled for Xcode.app. macOS 13.0.1 (22A400 Xcode 14.2 (14C18)

Same problem.

macOS 13.0.1(22A400) Xcode 14.1(14B47b)

I have the same issue. Stuck at launching app and black screen on simulator.!!!

Having the same issue. Its frustrating to have to quit simulator and start again and again just to see my changes. Mac OS Ventura 13.0.1 , Xcode 14.1

Facing the same issue on Xcode 14 running on Mac OS Ventura. 😒

Same issue with Xcode 14.2 on macOS Ventura 13.1

having the same issue on m1pro + xcode 14.2. @apple please help!

Same problem! help!!!

XCode 14.1: Stuck at "Launching Application" after building the project