Background assed download error: "BAApplicationInfo is missing an extensionIdentity"

I've added a background asset extension and am trying to invoke it using this:

xcrun backgroundassets-debug --app-bundle-id com.myCompany.myApp  --device-id 00008120-000225060C9B401E --simulate --app-update 

When I run that command I see this in the phone's log:

Unable to observe extension for (com.cequint.myapp), the BAApplicationInfo is missing an extensionIdentity.

So how should an extension identify be added?

The extension's info.plist is as created by the Xcode template:






And I've added the following to the app's info.plist:

> <dict>


















What else needs doing to provide the extension identifier the OS is saying is missing?

(Using Xcode 14.1 and iOS 16.2)

I got the same problem, does anyone know how to solve it?

You'll want to make sure that your extension's bundle identifier is prefixed with the app's bundle identifier.


App Bundle ID:


Ext Bundle ID:


The suffix can be named anything you want, as long as it is prefixed with the app's bundle identifier.

Background assed download error: "BAApplicationInfo is missing an extensionIdentity"