Weather Alert (empty JSON)

I want to use weather alert for my weather app but I don't understand how URL should look like. Can anyone help me?

To get weather alerts from WeatherKit you need to include weatherAlerts in the dataSets query parameter and the correct ISO Alpha-2 country code in the country query parameter:{language}/{latitude}/{longitude}?dataSets=weatherAlerts&country={countryCode}&timezone={timezone}

For example, to get weather alerts for Apple Park in Cupertino, you would use:

Note that you can request weather alerts along with other weather information for the specified location in a single WeatherKit request. Just include the other data set names along with weatherAlerts in the dataSets parameter as a comma delimited list. For example, to get the current weather conditions as well as weather alerts at Apple Park, you would use:,weatherAlerts&country=US&timezone=America/Los_Angeles

Hello. The documentation at could use updating.

  • "countryCode" is listed as the parameter name but seems it should be "country"
  • The country code itself apparently must be uppercase; clarifying this in the documentation would be helpful

Trying to develop without these changes, one is led to believe that the data is not available, or that they are forming the request incorrectly (which is technically true, but there is no indication of an error or warning, so it becomes a head-scratcher when nothing is coming back as expected).

Thank you, and hope this helps some folk out!

Weather Alert (empty JSON)