After upgraded to Ventura 13.0 TTS won't work

After upgraded to macOS 13.0,

  1. TTS application won't work, debug info shows:

file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TextToSpeechMauiSupport.framework/Resources/TTSResources/en-US/Samantha/Contents/user_rules.txt contained data that was not null terminated

file:///System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_VoiceResources/52bd52b2a5fad97be729d7e0ba9af97a6d3db1da.asset/AssetData/vocalizer-user-dict.dat contained data that was not null terminated

  1. DAL camera won't work

ContinuityCaptureAgent: (CoreMediaIO) [] CMIOExtensionProvider.m:3446:-[CMIOExtensionProvider removeSystemStatusAttributionsForClient:stream:]_block_invoke Couldn't find attribution to remove, 0D226729-DD5A-4731-96A4-C390BAEBFB18, 43334135-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 2022-10-25 13:56:22.485335-0600 0xc2bda Default 0x0 320 0 UVCAssistant: (CoreMediaIO) [] CMIOExtensionProvider.m:3446:-[CMIOExtensionProvider removeSystemStatusAttributionsForClient:stream:]_block_invoke Couldn't find attribution to remove, 2A5CD1A4-F79A-4D6B-8F1A-8FBE08C60A40, 0x122000046d085e

Old beta didn't have this issue

I have exactly the same issue, while playing around with Xcode 14.1 on Ventura. Code that run perfectly fine in Xcode 13x and Monterey, now produces errors such as these mentioned here.

I'm having the same issue. Hoping there's a solution soon.

I am getting the same error when calling phonemesFromText although startSpeakingString is working as expected. Maybe Apple is switching to AVSpeechSynthesizer and don't want to update NSSpeechSynthesizer, which is basically a wrapper to old carbon TTS. Unfortunately, there is no phoneme callback in the newer interface.

After upgraded to Ventura 13.0 TTS won't work