It is too bad that the OS Ventura disabled duplicating Terminal.App and renaming it for Rosetta2 option. Because I use Homebrew, I need to maintain separate libraries and environments for arm64 and x86_64 architectures.
I found a post on Medium by Vineeth Bardhwaj P useful about switching terminal defaults architecture. I could not post a link to it due to the forum policy.
% env /usr/bin/arch -arm64 /bin/zsh --login
% arch
% env /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login
% arch
Including these lines in my .zshrc made it easier as suggested in the cited post.
alias arm="env /usr/bin/arch -arm64 /bin/zsh --login"
alias intel="env /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login"
So, for now I can use this workaround.