Is it possible to use Settings.bundle just for Mac Catalyst, and not for the iOS version of the app?

I was wondering if it was possible to use a Settings.bundle just for the Mac Catalyst version of the app? On the iOS version I handle my preferences in app as it is easier to sync with iCloud key value storage, plus doing it in-app has the added convenience of not making the user navigate to the Settings app to manage preferences.

On Mac Catalyst however using a Settings.bundle would be nice because I'd get UI for free and the user doesn't have to navigate to a different app to manage preferences. Also I have a few preferences that only apply to the iOS version of the app, and some that only apply to the Mac version of the app (preferences that don't apply to the platform the app is running on should be excluded from the UI).

So is there a way to specify a Settings.bundle just for Mac Catalyst? If not, is there a way to specify that a particular preference is "Mac Only" in the plist files inside the Settings bundle?

Yes this is possible in Build Phases. Select the Setting.bundle uncheck "Allow on Any Platform" and just keep Mac Catalyst checked. Figured this out awhile ago but forgot to update this thread. Figured I'd update it in case anyone stumbles upon it in a search.

I don't think I'll be able to use a Settings bundle for this after all because I have an additional window that needs to be shown in a window sheet with some dynamic content and that can't be done with a Settings bundle.

Accepted Answer

Yes this is possible in Build Phases. Select the Setting.bundle uncheck "Allow on Any Platform" and just keep Mac Catalyst checked. Figured this out awhile ago but forgot to update this thread. Figured I'd update it in case anyone stumbles upon it in a search.

I don't think I'll be able to use a Settings bundle for this after all because I have an additional window that needs to be shown in a window sheet with some dynamic content and that can't be done with a Settings bundle.

Is it possible to use Settings.bundle just for Mac Catalyst, and not for the iOS version of the app?