Read a .dat file and plot a graph

Hey everyone, I have my codes right in C language performing in Xcode program command line. I would like to know if its possible to use the Swift to access and open the output file from my Xcode C simulation, read the data and plot graphs and charts. Same as people do in Matlab or Phyton. Thanks for your help, Arthur.

It is always possible. If you know what is the structure of the output file (which is probably the case if you generated the output in your C Code).

Then, once you have decoded the file, you have to write code to display those data (there are a lot of existing libraries to use to do this).

Thanks a lot for your help. Could you recommend me some link where I can get more information about it ? I know exactly how many roll and columns my data file is and they are all composed by numbers from a double variable.

Thanks again, Arthur.

Can someone help me on this ?

Read a .dat file and plot a graph