Can we have Finder Sync Extension on File Provider (Cloud Storage) Path macOS

The existing project of Finder Extension is doing an amazing job in other paths but when I point it to the CloudStorage path the context menu doesn't show up. And no trace of what is going wrong any where (Xcode Logs, Console log, crash log, etc.)

Path Used: /Users/<User>/Library/CloudStorage/FP-SomeDomains

Yes, even my first though was, it must be because of dataless file and folders. But unfortunately it not. There was no context menu presented from my Finder Extension even on real physical files and folders.

Answered by Engineer in 733925022

No, applications cannot use both the FinderSync and FileProvider extension points.

You should use the FileProviderUI framework for contextual menu actions which require their own UI.

And the NSFileProviderCustomAction protocol for contextual menu actions which execute a command without presenting UI.

See the sample code for examples:

I have a similar problem. We are a product migrating towards FileProviderExtension in macOS. I can see that File Provider's also have ways of providing custom actions in context menus (

But we already have a Finder Sync Extension that used to do this work - So, naturally we wanted to re use it. But when it watches theCloudStorage path the context menus never show up, but works pretty well on other paths in the filesystem, even on mounted drives.

Is this an expected behaviour? That FinderSyncExtensions are restricted in CloudStorage path in favour of File Provider custom actions?

Accepted Answer

No, applications cannot use both the FinderSync and FileProvider extension points.

You should use the FileProviderUI framework for contextual menu actions which require their own UI.

And the NSFileProviderCustomAction protocol for contextual menu actions which execute a command without presenting UI.

See the sample code for examples:

If the Finder Sync Extension were to be in a different application, just listening to the directory. Is it possible to get the context menu on the Cloud Storage Path. ?

Can we have Finder Sync Extension on File Provider (Cloud Storage) Path macOS