Testing failed IAP purchase

Does anyone know how to test failed IAP flows? There is documentation here:


which starts with the instructions

  1. Sign in to the App Store using a Sandbox Apple ID.
  2. Go to Settings > App Store > Sandbox Account > Manage > Account Settings.
  3. Disable the Allow Purchases & Renewals setting. This setting is enabled by default.

But there is no "Allow Purchases & Renewals" option (or any other option) in the Accounts settings

Please update to iOS 16 to see the toggle.

iOS 16.0.3 Still no toggle.

My wifi connection is solid, i can make sandbox purchases without issue.

Does this issue reproduce on iOS 16.1?

Yes, this is still an issue after updating to iOS 16.1

Is there anyone that already solved this? im using IOS 15.4.1

Yes, i did get this working eventually, the missing piece of the puzzle for me was the sandbox test account needed to have 2FA authentication setup. the flow for doing this was a bit weird and very non-obvious, IIRC it involved trying to sign into a production Apple service with the sandbox account, confirming the email addresa nd adding a phone number and then logging back into the sandbox service.

Hope this helps

Testing failed IAP purchase