Live Activity color issue in sleep mode

I have created a live activity that supports both light and dark mode, and are using the isLuminanceReduced environment variable to display the dark mode version on the always on display for the iPhone 14 Pro.

However it seems that this variable is not true when I switch to the Sleep Mode focus state. Even though the Lock Screen gets just as dark, it still shows the light mode version of the activity, which results text being very hard to read.

Any idea on what to do to display the dark mode version here? Or a way to have text that looks good in both light and dark screens?

Same problem here, seems no way to detect Sleep Mode

I face the same issue, generally with Live Activities in dark mode.

My content colors (texts) change correctly, but .activityBackgroundTint(_:) and activitySystemActionForegroundColor(_:) always show light variation.

@Environment(.colorScheme) var colorScheme

same issue

The Environment(\.colorScheme) is broken. Always in dark mode.


Live Activity color issue in sleep mode