RoomPlan with material

I'd like to capture the room with materials obtained through the camera while scanning with RoomPlan.

Is there any way to capture room surface material and render the object while capturing the room geometry using RoomPlan?

I am interested on what your need is. There are other solutions that can do that, but to my knowledge, RoomPlan cannot do that. Feel free to message me if you want to discuss.

I want to save captured room data (3D objects) with details like the color of walls or the color of doors obtained while scanning the scene. I'm planning to use these data for interior simulation. I first tried to implement the feature only with RoomPlan but later realized other APIs are needed. Is there any possible solution to implement this?

@Nate1244 Hi, I am trying to achieve something similar. I want to extract the textures of the objects detect by RoomPlanAPI. Do you have any idea how can i do that? Basically i want to extract the object textures and apply them later on the RoomPlanAPI model. So, It creates an illusion of real room but using the RoomPlanAPI model.

@Nate1244, Hi i am trying to achieve something similar. Basically i want to extract the textures of the objects detected by RoomPlanAPI so i can apply those textures to the model generated by RoomPlanAPI. I want to create an illusion of real room like a duplicate using RoomPlanAPI model. Do you have any idea how can i do that?

@lastsong @yutay @Nate1244 did you find a solution?

Can someone please make the answer to this conversation public? I have been trying to figure this out for a year. ITs such a simple task. capturedRoom.Surface.Walls defines an array of walls. I want to collect the color of the wall that is scanned, and then apply that color to an SCNBox, set with the dimensions of the wall, and replace the wall with my box, so I have a room which detects paint walls. similarly, I want to provide a sort of modelprovider for common floor types, and then map images of those floor types (wood, tile, of many varieties) to the diffuse contents of the floor, but when I try to set anything to diffuse contents of the model that is made by room plan, nothing happens. it remains white and blank. why? please, post the answer here. don take it private, because then when the next person is struggling with this question they have no way of figuring it out beyond waiting for the response to come in an email. ugh.

texture is not applied due to lack of geometry’sTextureCoordinate. You can’t add one: you have to generate clone and replace feometry adding TextureCoordinate.

RoomPlan with material