In Live Text API, text selection or clicking the highlight button on the right does not work

I am implementing Live Text function using ImageAnalysisInteraction and ImageAnalyzer.

After loading an image file into UIImageView , I am trying to implement a function to select like a TextView using Live Text function.

On the right side of the UIImageView, a button to change the Live Text highlight state is displayed.

However, there is a phenomenon that this button cannot be clicked.

Also, even if you change the highlight state to Live Text, it is not selected like UITextView.


I added an interaction to the imageview like this.

Even if I keep changing preferredInteractionTypes to multiple types, there is no choice.

interaction.view!.isUserInteractionEnabled = true imageView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

So I also changed the isUserInteractionEnabled value to true .

Have any of you solved this problem?

In Live Text API, text selection or clicking the highlight button on the right does not work